SPAA 2021 Submission Guidelines

Publication Date

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

Detailed Submission Instructions

Please make sure that your paper satisfies all of the following requirements before being submitted. Submissions not adhering to these submission guidelines will be rejected by the submission system.

* Full paper submissions must be original material that has not been previously published in another conference or journal, and is currently under review by another conference or journal. It is acceptable to submit material presented previously at a workshop without copyrighted proceedings.

* The paper must have a title page consisting of the paper title and abstract (500 words or less).  Author names should not appear on the title page.  Titles of brief announcements should include the words "Brief Announcement".  All rejected regular papers automatically will be considered for brief anouncements.  If the authors would not like their rejected regular paper considered as a brief announcement, then the title should include the text "full paper only".

* The submission must use a single-spaced double-column format for 8.5x11-inch paper, use at least a 9-point font size, and have reasonable margins and spacing throughout. Submissions are encouraged to adopt the final ACM "sigconf" format from

* Regular papers may not exceed ten (10) pages and brief announcements may not exceed two (2) pages. All necessary details to substantiate the main claims of the paper should be included either in the body of the paper or in a clearly marked appendix. Title page, bibliography, and the appendix do not count toward the page limit.  Reviewers are not required to read the appendix, but may choose to do so.

* Papers must be submitted for double-blind review. Blind reviewing of papers will be done by the program committee, assisted by outside referees.  Authors should not provide their names or hints of identity in the submission.  However, authors should not omit references to provide anonymity.  Instead, if a paper is extending the authors' previous work, it should reference and discuss the past work in third person.

* Submissions should have page numbers, and should be readable when printed on a black-and-white printer.

* Submissions must be in PDF format.

Conflicts of Interest

To ensure a fair and high-quality reviewing process we ask ALL authors of a submitted paper to register their conflicts with the PC members at the submission site. If a paper is found to have an undeclared conflict that causes a problem OR if a paper is found to declare false conflicts in order to abuse or game the review system, the paper may be rejected.  Please declare a conflict of interest with the following PC members for any author of your paper.
* Academic advisor or advisee.
* Family members.
* Collaborators within the past 3 years.  Collaboration can consist of a joint research or development project, a joint paper, or a funding relationship.  
* Members of the same institution within the past 3 years.
* Anyone whose relationship with an author would prevent the reviewer from being objective in his/her assessment.
If an author is unsure of whether a relationship would count as a conflict of interest, the author is encouraged to contact the program chair.

Submission Site

Papers can be submitted here

Additional Notes

If an author has any questions about these policies, the author is encouraged to contact is the program chair, Yossi Azar.  Authors are encouraged to place the text "[SPAA 2021]" in the subject line of any correspondance with the program chair.